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Qin Yu let go of his fingers, and the entire talisman of stealing heaven was completely burned, but not a trace of ashes fell down, as if it disappeared out of thin air In the audience, Mo Yongxing’s expression was fine, and it was not the first time he had seen Qin Yu’s miraculous means It’s like watching some Taoist priests in some movies, full of visual impact. The middle-aged man raised his thumbs up after hearing Qin Yu’s words, obviously he was praising Qin Yu, how male enhancement but his words made Mo Yongxing and Zhang Hua quite embarrassed, it seems that they are the kind of young people who don’t know much about traditional culture. Master Qin, why don’t you stop work on alphaman xl male sexual enhancement pills the mountain on the right and move the boulder away? Liu Anshan can’t control any commissions at the moment, if the county magistrate knows that the development of this boulder is his idea, it will be bad if he becomes dissatisfied with him. 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